07 — Bertien van Manen, Archive 1970-2021

07 — Bertien van Manen, Archive 1970-2021

29 October — 28 November 2021

Since the 1970s, Dutch photographer Bertien van Manen has created intimate and poignant photographs of commonplace scenes, produced during extended trips to Europe, America, China and the former Soviet Union. Van Manen has established herself as a unique voice in documentary photography, her visual language imbued with empathy and respect for the everyday lives of her subjects. The exhibition at ENTER ENTER will include all of her books, alongside unique material from her archive, brought together by Hans Gremmen. This exhibition is supported by the AFK (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts). Besides the new book ‘Archive Bertien van Manen’, there will be copies for sale of ‘I Will Be Wolf’ (2017), ‘Beyond Maps and Atlases’ (2016), and ‘East Wind West Wind’ (2001).

Easter and Oak Trees (Mack, 2013)
Vrouwen te gast (Feministische Uitgeverij Sara, 1979)
Zelfportret. Vrouwenbeweging in de jaren tachtig. (Feministische Uitgeverij Sara, 1982)
Dienstmaagd des Heren? Vrouwen en de katholieke kerk in Nederland (Uitgeverij Waanders, 1985)
De strijd van de vrouwen in Nicaragua (Van Gennep Amsterdam, 1984)
I Will Be Wolf (Mack, 2017)
A Hundred Summers, A Hundred Winters (De Verbeelding, 1994)
East Wind West Wind (De Verbeelding, 2001)
Moonshine (Mack, 2014)
The other side of the moon (2015, not published)
Let’s Sit Down Before We Go (Mack, 2011)
Give Me Your Image (Steidl, 2006)
Beyond Maps and Atlases (Mack, 2016)
Archive Bertien van Manen (Mack, 2021)